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Culture Collection of Autotrophic Organisms (CCALA)
Experimental Garden and Gene Pool Collections Třeboň
Institute of Botany of the CAS, v. v. i.

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Dunaliella medium

Author: Schlösser 1982

The cultivation of halophilic algae.

Mix 20 ml of the stock macroelements solution with 910 ml of artificial seawater and 30 ml of seawater soil extract.



Stock Solutiong.l-1 dH2O

Quantity Usedto 1 litre

KNO3 10,00 g 10 ml
K2HPO4 1,00 g  10 ml
MgSO4.7H2O 1,00 g 10 ml
soil extract see following recipe 30 ml
artificial seawater see following recipe 930 ml

Soil extract

1/3 of 6 litre flask fill with garden or leaf soil (not too great humus or clay content), and deionized water until it stands 5cm above the soil. Sterilize by heating in a steamer one hour, twice in a 24h interval. Separate the decanted extract by centrifugation. Fill into small containers, autoclave 20 minutes/1 atmosphere; store in refrigerator.

Artificial seawater 


Quantity Usedg.l-1 dH2O

NaCl 30,0 g
MgSO4.7H2O 31,0 g 
KCl 1,5 g
CaSO4 2,0 g



  • Andersen, R.A. [ed.] 2005. Algal culturing techniques. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 578 pp. 
  • Schlösser, U.G., 1982. Sammlung von Algenkulturen. - 95: 181-276.