Galdieria medium - modified
Authors: Gross, W. & Schnarrenberger, 1995
Dissolve chemicals in 500 ml of distilled water. Add 2,07 ml of Fe-EDTA solution and 2,00 ml trace metal solution. Make up to 1000 ml. Autoclave.
Component |
Quantity Used |
(NH4)2SO4 | 1,5 g |
MgSO4.7H2O | 0,3 g |
KH2PO4 | 0,3 g |
CaCl2.2H2O | 0,02 g |
Fe-EDTA (see following recipe) | 2,07 ml |
Trace metals solution (see following recipe) | 2,00 ml |
Fe-EDTA solution
To 50 ml od dH2O add following component and fill in with dH2O do 100 ml.
Component |
Quantity Used |
KOH (1 N solution) | 5,4 ml |
FeSO4.7H2O | 0,5 ml |
EDTA (no Na-EDTA!) | 0,52 g |
Trace metals solution
Component |
Quantity Used |
H3BO3 | 0,31 g |
MnSO4.4H2O | 0,223 g |
Na2WO4.2H2O | 0,003 g |
(NH4)6Mo7O24.4H2O | 0,0088 g |
KBr | 0,0119 g |
KI | 0,0083 g |
ZnSO4.7H2O | 0,0287 g |
Cd(NO3)2.4H2O | 0,0154 g |
Co(NO3)2.6H2O | 0,0146 g |
CuSO4.5H2O | 0,0125 g |
NiSO4(NH4)2SO4.6H2O | 0,0198 g |
Cr(NO3)2.7H2O | 0,0037 g |
V2O4(SO4)3.16H2O | 0,0035 g |
Al2(SO4)3K2SO4.24 H2O | 0,0474 g |
- Gross, W. & Schnarrenberger, C. 1995. Heterotrophic Growth of Two Strains of the Acido-Thermophilic Red Alga Galdieria sulphuraria. Plant Cell. Physiol. 36(4): 633 - 638.