Medium for non-seed plants
Authors: Baslerová & Dvořáková 1962
Liverworts, ferns and duckweeds are maintained in 250 ml Erlenmayer's flasks on agar medium in the air conditioned room at 12-15°C. They are irradiated similarly as other strains (see above).
Into 900 ml of dH2O add quantity of stock solutions (see belowe) fill in 1 litre with dH2O. Autoclave.
Component |
Stock Solution |
Quantity Used | |
Mosses (M) |
Liverworts & ferns (JKL) |
NH4NO3 | 80,00 | 1.5 ml | 2.5 ml |
KH2PO4 | 136,00 | 0.5 ml | 0.75 ml |
MgSO4.7H2O | 120,00 | 0.5 ml | 0.4 ml |
CaCl2.2H2O | 110,00 | 0.2 ml | 1,0 ml |
FeCl3.6H2O | 16.20 | 0.2 ml | 0.16 ml |
- Baslerová, M. & Dvořáková, J. 1962. Algarum, Hepaticarum Muscurumque in cultiris collectio. NCSAV, Praha, 59 pp.