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Culture Collection of Autotrophic Organisms (CCALA)
Experimental Garden and Gene Pool Collections Třeboň
Institute of Botany of the CAS, v. v. i.

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Z medium

Authors: Zehner & Staub 1961

For most of cyanophytes. 

Into 900 ml of dH2O add 10 ml of first six stock solutions. Add 1 ml of rest solutions. Autoclave. The final pH should be 6,6 



Stock Solutiong.l-1 dH2O

Quantity Usedto 1 litre

NaNO3 46,7 10 ml
Ca(NO3)2.4H2O 5,9 10 ml
K2HPO4 3,1 10 ml
MgSO4.7H2O 2,5 10 ml
Na2CO3 2,1 10 ml
Fe-EDTA solution see following recipe 0,2 ml
Trace metals sollution see following recipe 0,08 ml

Fe-EDTA solution 


Quantity Used

HCl (35%) 2,2 ml
dH2O 250 ml
FeCl3.6H2O 4,5 g
Na2EDTA 4,65 g

Trace metals solution 


Quantity Usedto 100 ml

H3BO3 0,31 g
MnSO4.4H2O 0,223 g
Na2WO4.2H2O 0,003 g
(NH4)6Mo7O24.4H2O 0,0088 g
KBr 0,0119 g
KI 0,0083 g
ZnSO4.7H2O 0,0287 g
Cd(NO3)2.4H2O 0,0154 g
Co(NO3)2.6H2O 0,0146 g
CuSO4.5H2O 0,0125 g
NiSO4(NH4)2SO4.6H2O 0,0198 g
Cr(NO3)2.7H2O 0,0037 g
V2O4(SO4)3.16H2O 0,0035 g
Al2(SO4)3K2SO4.24 H2O 0,0474 g



  • ANDERSEN, R.A. [ed.] 2005Algal culturing techniques. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 578 pp. 
  • ZEHNDER in STAUB, R. 1961. Ernährungphysiologish-autökologische Untersuchung an den planktonischen Blaualge Oscillatoria rubescens DC. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Hydrologie 23: 82-198.