Edaphochlorella mirabilis (Andreeva) Darienko & PröscholdAntarcticaQueen Maud Land, Mitsuike Valley, puddle, crust
AntarcticaQueen Maud Land, Mitsuike Valley, puddle, Sandy bank of the lake
AntarcticaQueen Maud Land, Mitsuike Valley, freswater stream
Xanthonema bristolianum (Pascher) P.C.Silva 1979AntarcticaDeception Island, soil
Deuterostichococcus epilithicus Preshold & DarienkoAntarcticaQueen Maud Land, Yukidori Valley, BSC on the sand near the stream
AntarcticaKillingbeck Island, gut content of Cryptopygus antarcticus
Phormidium autumnale Gomont 1892AntarcticaQueen Maud Land, Yukidori Valley, dirty snow field